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We’re Sharing These Home Security Secrets Against The Pro’s Advice

We’re Sharing These Home Security Secrets Against The Pro’s Advice

You likely know someone who has been the victim of a home burglary. There has been an increase in home invasions, making home security even more important than it ever has been. Break-ins are always a possibility. The following article shows you some of the things you can do for your own security.

The only time you should give out house keys to house cleaners is if you absolutely trust them. Make sure they are honest, reputable and hardworking. Go over their references and do some background research on the company they work for. If the cleaner has been sent by a company, call the Better Business Bureau to check on the company’s reputation.

Beware giving keys to your maid unless the service has your absolute trust. If they will be there over an hour and you are thinking of giving them your home key, be certain they are honest, reputable and hard-working. All references should be checked. If you hire a cleaner from a company, then you should check the company with the BBB.

Before selecting any home-security company, talk to your friends to see who they suggest. Your loved ones likely have dealt with this situation before. Ask around to get lots of advice for making a better choice.

Buy a safe and use it to hold all of the valuables in your home. This ensures during a break in that the most important things are not stolen. The safe should be situated in an inconspicuous area of your home.

Don’t make a habit of giving strangers access to your home. Even people who claim to need help may be out to harm you. Some criminals will use any reason to gain access to look for security systems and easy entryways into your house.

Don’t let any person you don’t completely know into your house. It is essential you do not do this, even if the stranger gives you a convincing story or states they need your assistance. Some will come to your door just to determine how secure it is, and they may return later if they think they can easily enter your home.

Clear away all the dead and dried out vegetation around your home in the summer. These can pose a fire hazard due to heat and storms with lightning. Keep your family and your house protected by regularly clearing out your yard waste.

Secure your garage. You can prevent this from happening easily. However, you can use a C-clamp to help keep the door secure.

Keep your car in the garage. Protect your car from vandals by keeping it in the garage. Hiding your car from plain view will also keep potential intruders from tracking when you are home and when you aren’t.

Request information from your local law enforcement agencies about home protection packages. Several in various jurisdictions have programs which entail providing a home inspection, what protective measures will help your home and even how to engrave valuable items to make them easier to recover. Contact your local police department to find out if they offer this type of program.

Don’t forget to secure your skylights too. Skylights are great for making a home brighter, but they can make it easier for burglars to access the house. Be certain to have skylights that incorporate strong, durable hardware.

Security System

Don’t hide an extra key under a rock or in a planter. While you may feel that you are keeping yourself safe by allowing a way in for yourself, you are also allowing everyone else to visit whenever they want. Any thief knows all the typical hiding spots. Instead, trust a neighbor to hold your spare key.

Regardless of the type of home security system you choose, be sure to have regular inspections and maintenance performed. Ask a qualified worker who specializes in security systems to take a look. Mother Nature and wild animals can also cause issues with your home security system. You may not be able to tell there is an issue by yourself.

Keep valuables out of sight of windows. Large windows allow you to keep an eye on who is approaching your home, but keep in mind that potential intruders will be tempted if they can see your valuables. If your windows are facing the street, make sure you cover them and protect your valuables.

Put motion sensor lights around your house. The lights will be triggered when someone gets too close to the house. Not only will they notify you of movement, they will also deter potential burglars, as thieves want to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Don’t forget to replace the bulbs when they burn out.

Do not choose a home alarm system that monitors only your doors. Windows need to be monitored too. Each point of entry for your home should be monitored by the system. They are the most effective.

If you do not reside in a big city, you may not worry as much about home burglaries. Some people think that the people out in the country without neighbors are actually at a much greater risk. Others think that rural places have less of a chance of being targets for burglars.

Once you’ve moved to a new house, make it a priority to replace all locks. It may seem as if the former owners of the home are honest, but really you don’t know much about them. Bear in mind that other people may have lived in the home before the previous owner.

Don’t hide an extra key under a rock or in a planter. Keeping a spare key is convenient but intruders will have access to your home if your key is too easy to find. Thieves aren’t stupid and also know common hiding spots. Ask a reliable neighbor or a friend to keep your spare key.

Before allowing anyone into your home, check their references carefully. Check if they have any history of criminal activity. It is not a good idea to give anyone a key to your home, even contractors or repairmen.

Always lock your house, even if you are only going to be away for a few minutes. It may be a little surprising, but most burglaries and break-ins happen because the intruder just walks right through an open door. A burglar can steal a lot of expensive stuff in a short amount of time.

When hiring a home security company, make sure to read the fine print on the contract you are signing. There are sometimes fees if you break a contract or need additional equipment. It’s best to know about these fees in advance so that you can avoid them when possible.

If you bought any expensive or large items, don’t throw the boxes out until the day trash is scheduled to be removed. They show the world you have money and lots of valuables inside.

Keeping the home illuminated during evening hours helps keep criminals away. Burglars don’t want to be visible. When your house is well lit, intruders have no place to hide. This makes it hard for them to get things from you. Keep your home lit up all night long.

Whenever you move to a new dwelling, make certain to get each lock replaced. Although you may trust the previous homeowner, you cannot be 100% sure of their character. Keep in mind that other people may have lived in the home prior to the seller.

It is a good idea to get some history on any home security companies you are thinking about doing business with. A reliable home security company is one that has a long history in the community and can offer references from satisfied customers. It can ease your mind when you know you’re not doing business with a company that might not be around tomorrow.

Be on the lookout for rotten wood anywhere near your doors or windows. Home invaders interested are able to pry off any rotted wood to get inside. Wood that is beginning to rot should always be replaced to make sure your home stays safe.

Wireless alarm systems are a great investment. While wireless systems are often cheap, the cost of installation can be sky high. A wireless system, on the other hand, requires less maintenance and is simpler to install.

Wireless Systems

When you will be away from home, keep the curtains and blinds shut. Intruders can look into your house if the blinds are up. They may break in if they see things they like. You should also have them down when you are sleeping.

Think about a wireless security system for your home. While wireless systems are often cheap, the cost of installation can be sky high. Wireless systems are much easier to install, and they can work independently of your home’s power.

A home alarm investment is well worth the money, provided someone contacts 911 when it is set off. Purchase a centrally monitored alarm to reap all the security benefits possible. You can’t rely on your neighbors to call.

If there are parts of your home you want no one else to enter, there is no need to lock doors or have a set of keys on you at all times. You may have locks without keys that need a code. These may be installed by yourself or a security company.

Make sure you select captive keylock deadbolts. They include thumb latches that prevent anyone from breaking a window and reaching around to unlock the door. When you are at home, leave the key in the lock so that you can get out in case of a fire.

Inquire as to the different lengths of contracts offered by your security company. Each likely has its benefits and drawbacks. Longer contracts may create a lower bill per month, but you you could maintain those monthly expenses if you discontinue service or sell the home. Shorter contracts offer greater freedom, but may be more expensive each month.

You need to replace the locks of a home you just bought, no matter who previously lived there. This is true of rentals and homes you buy, so ask your landlord to switch the lock or hire a locksmith to do it yourself, if you are able to do so.

You shouldn’t keep your car registration documents inside the glove box. If someone finds them, they’ll know your address. You should keep them on your person, or find another place in your vehicle to hide them. Keep them close to you in case you get pulled over.

If your windows have A/C units, ascertain that they are screwed in securely or that bars are around them. If it is not secured, a burglar can remove it and gain access to your home. In the wintertime, remove the air conditioner from the window to ensure security.

Don’t make the mistake of believing that break-ins only occur in pricey areas. Thieves will hit any home that appears to be an easy target. It is best to adopt good habits and invest in a quality home security system to keep your family safe.

There have been many instances where someone has knocked on a door to say they need help, and then upon the owner answering the door, the person busts in and starts wreaking havoc. If you can tell someone is in need of help then place a call from inside your home. If you feel afraid and uneasy, simply call the police.

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About Author

Written by
Susan H Delaney

Susan H Delaney security industry workers, who have been exposed to hundreds of surveillance cameras and have professional evaluation experience, will definitely be able to help you.

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