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Making A Home Security Plan That Suits Your Needs

Making A Home Security Plan That Suits Your Needs

It is the job of every homeowner to do everything possible to keep their home properly secured. Naturally, a home security alarm system comes to mind, but there are other ways to keep a home safe. Keep reading for an inside look at what you can do to make your home secure.

Make your house look occupied all the time. Timers can be used to turn lights and televisions on and off when required. In this way, it will always seem that someone is in your home. This will help safeguard your house to the best of your ability.

Make sure that you change the locks once you’ve taken possession of the house. There is no telling how many key copies were made and given out by a previous owner. To make sure your home can only be accessed by you, enlist the help of a locksmith. Give a key to someone you trust in case you get locked out.

Is your dog kept outside when you are away? You might consider leaving your spare key with your dog. Attach the key to the dog’s collar so that it is hidden from view. If your pet does not get along with strangers, this will ensure your spare key stays safe.

It’s important to comparison shop for alarm systems. You’ll find a wide range of prices from different companies. Get quotes from several companies before making a decision.

Buy fire-resistant building materials. Your home will get added protection, especially if your environment is dry and has power lines. Keeping fire hazards away is a great safety precaution since fire can cause lots of destruction.

Think very carefully about where to hide your spare key. Intruders will think to look on the top if a door frame and under a doormat. An example would be to attach a key to your dog’s collar, if he stays outdoors.

Don’t announce your vacation agenda on your social networks. This is especially true if you have lots of unfamiliar “friends”. You may be very excited about your impending vacation, but there is no need to let potential burglars know when you will be gone.

Don’t use social media to announce that you will be gone for an extended period of time. While you may want to shout it from the rooftops, you’re letting everyone know that your home will be vacant and easy to rob.

Contact the local police department to find out more about the protection programs they offer. Your local police department will help you with preventive measures, inspect your home and show you how to mark your valuables so they can easily be found. Contact your local police department to find out if they offer this type of program.

Don’t forget skylights when doing a security sweep for your home. Skylights are great for making a home brighter, but they can make it easier for burglars to access the house. Keep them secure with heavy duty hardware that closes them off to potential thieves.

Don’t think you’re not at risk just because you don’t live in a big city. Some maintain that rural dwellers have greater risk since their neighbors live farther away. Still, many believe that rural environments are less frequently targeted by burglars.

Don’t allow the wires of your home security system to be visible to others. A burglar will simply cut the wires if he can see them. This is why it is so important to make sure all your wires are well hidden. You will be much safer.

After making major (i.e. expensive) purchases, don’t dump the packaging out front if your next scheduled garbage pick-up is several days away. Having these type of boxes hanging around will give robbers a good idea of what type of merchandise you have inside of your home.

Change the locks on any new place you move into. You do not want anyone to have a copy of the key. You might even install new locks yourself so that you know you have the only keys.

If you are moving in your new home, ensure all the old locks are replaced. Even though the person who sold your home to you may seem honest, you simply can’t know for certain. Keep in mind that other families might have lived with them, too.

Always get references from anyone you are considering hiring to do work inside your home. Conduct background checks if necessary. You can never be certain if the contractor, repairman, maid, etc. that you hire to do services in your home is honest. If you let these people in without knowing anything about them, you could experience significant losses.

If you move to a dwelling that has had prior occupants, make sure you get the locks changed. While you may trust those who lived there before you, you have no idea who lived there before them. If you own, you can have the locks replaced and only you will have had the key.

Take advantage of the Internet while comparing your home security options. Check out different websites, and read through package details and customer testimonials. With this information, you can contact the companies you feel comfortable with and compare the rates to each other.

Any time you let a stranger into your home that is doing some kind of work, it is best to ask for references. A background check which includes any criminal history is warranted. Avoid giving keys out to contractors, maids and repairmen.

Make an appointment with a home security company to evaluate the security needs of your home specifically. Each homeowner has different priorities in terms of home security. Working with a business that will look out for your specific interests will help you be much safer at home.

Perform landscaping for your home which enhances your home’s safety. Make sure that the doors and windows to your home are not covered by trees, fences, shrubs or any other type of thing. Do not give robbers a chance to hide in any area. Utilize shrubs and trees farther away in order to add beauty to your home while keeping it safe.

When your door is found ajar when you get home, call the police. It can be dangerous to walk in on an intruder. Instead, call the police to inform them of what happened, and wait on them.

Make sure your home’s exterior is well lit. Burglars like using darkness to hide. You should put a light on any area where a person could break in. Make sure your porch, garage, doorways and windows are well lit.

Anytime you make a new electronics purchase, keep the boxes off the curb until the very last minute. Burglars will see these boxes and recognize that there are new valubles in your house. Cut the boxes up when they are empty.

If you arrive home and you see that your door is ajar, never enter to investigate on your own. A thief might still be in there, which could put you in danger. Call the authorities and let them take care of the situation.

A great protection against burglars is owning a dog. Man’s best friend is very territorial and makes a lot of noise during anything happening out of the ordinary. There is no need for a guard dog. A small or medium dog will bark to alert you if it is properly trained.

Think about getting a wireless security system for the home. While wireless systems are often cheap, the cost of installation can be sky high. Wireless systems tend to be easier for installation and maintenance, and they will not go out if your power does.

Inquire as to the different lengths of contracts offered by your security company. They all likely have different benefits and downsides. With a longer contract, your monthly payment is likely to be lower. The downside is you might be stuck for a longer period of time if you decide you don’t like the service or want to move. A short contract will avoid this, but may be more costly.

Consider a surveillance system for your home and property. Placing hidden and visible video cameras is a good way to keep your home secure. Visible cameras deter the majority of intruders, and if they try to disarm them, a camera that is hidden will keep capturing footage. Some security systems can be accessed with cell phones, so you can check on your house while you are away.

If you aren’t at the house, keep the windows and curtains closed. You don’t want potential thieves knowing you are gone. You don’t want potential intruders to be able to look inside. They may break in if they see things they like. You should have the windows covered when you’re asleep.

Put the boxes of any expensive electronic items in your trash can so would-be burglars won’t know see them. When burglars see these boxes, they will know you have them inside your home, making it more likely for them to break in. Cut the boxes and wait until the garbage truck comes to put them outside.

Avoid keeping your key somewhere expected. Everyone knows about fake rocks. Doormats, too. It’s best to ask a trusted friend or even a neighbor to hold the extra key. If you can’t do that, you must think creatively to find a good place to keep a spare key.

If you have rooms that are off limits to kids and company, the following is a great solution. If you do have areas to lock, consider getting keyless locks that you can open using a code, rather than carrying a huge ring of keys around with you. These can be installed either by you, or a home security company.

If your current door is anything other than solid wood or metal, swap it out for one that actually is. Doors such as these stand their ground. A burglar trying to kick in such a door is going to be in for some pain. Make sure to replace exterior doors for the cheapest amount possible.

Ask the security company about various contract lengths. There are advantages and disadvantages to each. Long contracts are cheaper every month, but can outlast your stay in the home. Shorter contracts mean more freedom along with higher costs.

You’re ready to secure your home. It may appear like a tough task at first, but it’s worth it. Let the advice you’ve received here help.

If you keep a spare key outside, make sure it is not kept in an obvious location. If you place it under a rock, a good robber will find it. Many people will look under your doormat. It is best to simply ask a neighbor or trusted friend to hold on to an extra key for you. If that option isn’t available to you, be creative with your hiding spots.

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Solar Battery Camera. Use what you have seen here to give you more knowledge so you’re sure you are doing whatever you can. Try out things at your own pace and you will eventually find success.

About Author

Written by
Susan H Delaney

Susan H Delaney security industry workers, who have been exposed to hundreds of surveillance cameras and have professional evaluation experience, will definitely be able to help you.

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