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Improve Your Home Security With This Important Advice

Improve Your Home Security With This Important Advice

The home security industry is huge. Anyone could be a victim of burglary. In fact, the most burglarized homes are the ones that don’t appear to worry about home security. To keep your home safe, read the tips in the following article and apply them.

If your home has a lot of valuable items inside, then you need to purchase a safe so that all of these items can be kept in a single location. This is vital if you don’t want diamonds, gold or other personal items exposed to a home intruder. The safe should be situated in an inconspicuous area of your home.

Does your dog stay outside while you are gone? Your dog is an excellent place to hide your spare key. Fasten the key to your dog’s collar to hide it from view. This is very effective if your pet is afraid of strangers; therefore, burglars are not very likely to notice the key.

Don’t let everyone in your social network know that you are leaving the home unprotected for your vacation trip; especially the people who you aren’t familiar with. It can be exciting to tell everyone about your vacation, but you could potentially be letting a burglar in on your whereabouts.

Security Systems

Turn the ringer off on your telephone if you are going to be away. A home phone that rings and rings is a good way for a potential thief to know if anyone is home.

Home security systems aren’t just about sounding alarms. Most security systems can facilitate alarm sounds anyone enters. This is important if you have small kids.

You should regularly check your home security system, regardless of how reliable you believe it is. Ask a qualified worker who specializes in security systems to take a look. Wild animals or plain old nature can wreak havoc on your home security system. If you cannot see a problem, you might not know one exists.

Keep your jewelry, vital documents and other expensive items in a safe. This is very important, as you do not want your gold, diamonds and personal items exposed if someone were to break into your house. The safe should be situated in an inconspicuous area of your home.

Compared to city dwellers, you might feel more safe in your rural home. On a different note, some people believe homeowners in more rural areas are more likely to experience robberies because of the lack of nearby neighbors. Some people, though, believe that you will not be at risk for a burglary.

Is your ceiling resistant to fire? What about your flooring or roofing? This will help ensure the safety of your home, particularly if your home is located in a dry area. Preventing a fire is important since it can cause a lot of damage.

You should not hide your spare key under your mat or inside a plant box. These are the first places criminals will look when they try to enter your home. Rest assured, thieves have a good idea about these hiding places. Instead, give your extra key to a neighbor whom you trust.

Talk to people you know about their security systems. Others have likely had both good and bad experiences that they can share with you that can then save you a lot of stress and time. Making a great choice is important, so this advice will come in handy.

While choosing your alarm system, ask about protection for windows and motion detection as well as doors. Windows are a way for thieves to enter your home as well. Make sure you have a monitored alarm on every one of them. The safety of your family will be ensured.

When planning to go away for a holiday, be sure to turn off the ringers on your home phones. A loud ring that goes unanswered can alert people to the fact that you aren’t home. This makes you more likely to be the victim of a burglary.

Flashlights in your home should always have newer batteries if your power goes out. Flashlights are essential since they let you move around in an emergency. Be sure everyone in your family is aware of the location of emergency flashlights.

Never allow a stranger to enter your home. There are some people who are very convincing and good at getting you to let them into your house. Some criminals will come in, case your house and then come back when you are away.

If you are moving into a new home, change the locks right away. The person who used to live there may still have a key. You can change the locks yourself if you’re feeling really industrious.

Have lights that are motion-sensor installed. These kinds of lights will pop right on when they detect motion near your home. They will notify you of any movement and can deter any possible burglars since they like remaining inconspicuous. Just remember to change out the bulbs every so often so the lights remain in working order.

One relatively inexpensive way to add an extra layer of protection to your home is to install motion sensor lights for the exterior of your home. In the evening, lights will help keep your home safe, and will add little in the way of extra expense. If placed strategically around the house, motion detectors can make it very tough for criminals to get to your property.

If you’re in a rural place, you might not be as worried about break-ins as those that are in the city. The risk is still there, so a home security system is vital. However, understand that regardless of where you live, a theft can occur anywhere. Therefore, you need to be prepared.

If you don’t own a paper shredder already, you might want to get one. You’d be shocked at how many times thieves search trash looking for personal documents to see when you’re not home so that they can get into your home. If a shredder is too expensive, at least tear relevant paperwork into small bits.

A skylight is another area that needs to be protected for home security. Skylights are great for making a home brighter, but they can make it easier for burglars to access the house. Skylights need to be installed correctly and safely, with hardware that will keep intruders out.

When you purchase an expensive item such as a computer or TV, be sure to take the cardboard box to the recycling center rather than leaving it on your curb for all the world to see. When burglars see these boxes, they will know you have them inside your home, making it more likely for them to break in. When you empty the boxes, cut them up and throw them away so that burglars do not see them.

Were you aware of how valuable your house wires are? Many people do not realize this until a crook steals it off of their home. The wiring has copper and is easy to be quickly taken off a home. This is why the wiring should be hidden or difficult to get to.

A dog is a great home security alarm. Dogs will bark at the sign of trouble or intruders. It is not necessary to have an aggressive dog. Even a small dog will deter intruders, who do not want a lot of noise when they commit their crimes.

Before you let any strangers enter your home, be sure you look over their references. Run a criminal background check on them, as well. It is not a good idea to give anyone a key to your home, even contractors or repairmen.

When you aren’t home, make sure your windows are covered. When they’re open, it would be easy to see no one is there. They may break in if they spot something that they like. Your window dressing should also be closed while you sleep.

Checking out security firms online is a great idea. You should look at testimonials from customers and different information you can find. You’ll find it easy to narrow your choice down to three top contenders; your next step is to arrange to meet each of them to discuss your specific security needs.

Set up a timer to turn your lights off and on at regular intervals. They will go on when you need them, plus they’ll also go on when you’re not home.

Perform landscaping for your home which enhances your home’s safety. Don’t obstruct windows or doors with shrubs, plants, fences or trees. This makes it where people can’t hide in different nooks and crevices. Plan your home with safety in mind.

If you want maximum security, make sure that your exterior doors are either solid wood or metal. This sort of door will deter intruders. Burglars would have a hard time kicking such doors down. Replace outside doors as quickly as possible.

Before you go shopping for a home security system, take a moment to think about your specific situation and unique requirements. You might find that an alarm isn’t necessary at all. In some particular neighborhoods, classes for self defense or acquiring a dog may be the best option. However, the newest home security technology may be the best protection in other regions. Be sure to assess the risk level you face before making big decisions.

Investing in a home alarm is great, but only if someone calls the police when it goes off. The best bet is to invest in an alarm which is centrally monitored so you can be sure that any time it goes off, the police will show up. Don’t count on neighbors to hear the alarm and call the police.

If you come home and see your door ajar, never investigate it alone. The thief might still be inside, and you don’t have any idea whether or not they are armed. It is best to call the police right away and go to a safe place until the police check your home.

A sliding glass door often presents a big challenge to home security. Intruders can easily unlock these doors by simply lifting and shaking. A piece of pipe or wood (e.g. a hefty broomstick) cut to the proper length and used to block the door channel can provide affordable security if you don’t have an alarm system. This keeps the door shut tightly and makes it difficult to force it open.

If you are going to be out of town for more than a day or so, have someone check your mailbox and door for mail and fliers. Thieves have put them up in order to see if people are home to take them down. If the flier stays in place, the burglar knows that the homeowner is out on vacation.

Keep the windows on the second floor of your home locked. Many homeowners neglect this step because they believe burglars won’t bother climbing your home. This may not be what happens. This is a weak spot in a home’s security, and criminals are well aware of this vulnerability.

Keeping your family safe should be your top priority. Do not assume you are safe from crime. What you’ve read here will help you to prepare. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Act now before tragedy strikes.

Although locks sealed inside are okay, they are useless if they can’t be locked from the outside. Ideal locks are deadbolts which lock with both internal and external key locks.

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About Author

Written by
Susan H Delaney

Susan H Delaney security industry workers, who have been exposed to hundreds of surveillance cameras and have professional evaluation experience, will definitely be able to help you.

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