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Improve Your Home Security With This Great Advice

Improve Your Home Security With This Great Advice

If you’re a single female or mother that lives alone and you don’t feel like you can defend yourself physically, the topic of home security may be a large issue for you. You don’t have to live in fear. You can do some easy things to make you feel more comfortable. Read all of these home security tips.

Security systems are more than just an alarm. They often even alert you to any time a door is opened. This could be valuable for parents who have small children, making them aware when their kid has closed or opened a door.

Be sure your home appears to always be occupied. You could purchase timers and have your TVs, lights, radios and other types of electronics to go on at various times. It’ll make it seem like someone is home. This is a simple way to give people up to no good think that you are home.

Keep your most precious belongings inside a safe. This will keep your stash of diamonds, gold and other valuable items out of view and inaccessible to burglars. Put the safe somewhere difficult to get to, like the attic.

When you buy a new home, be sure to have the locks changed. You have no way of knowing how many folks might have keys to your house. Have a locksmith install a brand new lock. You should also do this if your keys ever get lost.

When in the process of purchasing a home-security system, be sure to comparison shop. Different companies can provide equivalent levels of service and security, but their prices can vary wildly. Get quotes from several companies so that you can get the best price for your home security system.

Setting off an alarm during a burglary is just one of the valuable functions a good security system can perform. Most of them can be programmed to alert you to anyone entering your home. This is important to parents who have small children, because they will want to know if the children have opened a door.

If you like to have a key hidden in case you lose yours, place it in a safe place. You don’t want to put them in common spots, such as above the frame of the door or under the doormat. You could hide the key with your dog on the collar.

When you’re going away, turn off your phone ringers. A constantly ringing phone can signal to a burglar that the house is vacant, making it an easy target for their criminal activities.

When planning to go away for a holiday, be sure to turn off the ringers on your home phones. If your phone rings and is not being answered, criminals will realize that you’re away.

Remove all of the vegetation outside in the hotter months. These items have a higher chance of catching fire during the hot months. Make sure your yard is clean for the sake of your safety – and that of your family!

The first thing to do is get your locks changed out. Anyone from an old roommate to a former tenant could have access to your home if you leave the old locks in place. It’s generally cheap can can take less than a day to do.

Local Police Department

Listen to your intuition as to whether your system is being installed by a trustworthy home security company. This is particularly true if you feel uncomfortable with a company you are dealing with. There is nothing wrong with asking for a different technician if you’re uneasy. The point of having a security system is to make yourself feel at ease.

Check with the police department in your town for home security tips and advice. Your local police department will help you with preventive measures, inspect your home and show you how to mark your valuables so they can easily be found. Call the local police department and inquire as to what programs they offer.

Walls can serve as a handy hiding place. You can hide small valuables inside the walls. Repurpose phone jacks and electrical outlets as tiny wall safes. If you haven’t got any plates that are unused, simply install a false switch plate.

Is your garage used for storage? Consider removing those items and keeping your car there instead. It will be far more secure against thieves. Keeping the car in the garage can keep thieves from vandalizing or stealing it. This will also make it more difficult for burglars to track when you away from home.

Even the wires inside your home are worth something. A lot of people don’t realize this fact until a robber steals it from their home. The reason they are valuable is because of their copper. A burglar can easily strip off your wires from the outside of your home very quickly. To protect this expensive asset, hide your wires or make them hard to get to.

Remember to have an annual inspection of your home security system. This should be performed by a technician from your security company. Mother Nature and wild animals can also cause issues with your home security system. It’s quite possible for there to be a fault in your system even if you can’t see it.

If you allow a security company to come to your house, make sure they appear professional and can present identification. Intruders could disguise themselves to inspect your home. This is dangerous to your valuables and your family. Take care to steer clear of danger.

Before doing anything else, install new locks in your home. Perhaps your roommate left town or you have gone through a messy divorce, and you need to feel that the home is safe. It is generally cheap and may be done in a little under a day.

Before signing up for a particular home-security company, find out how long they’ve been around. A company that has been in business for several years has shown that they can sustain in this industry and proven they provide reliable services that people recommend. It will make you feel better knowing that the company you choose is not fly by night.

If you do not reside in a big city, you may not worry as much about home burglaries. Some think residents of the country are even more vulnerable because there are no close neighbors. Some people think burglaries are less prevalent in rural parts.

Ask the home security companies to visit your home and design a system tailored to your needs. There are always going to be unique things about your home as well as your specific needs, so make sure you think about these things. If you’ve found a company that can tailor a system to you, you can receive the greatest amount of security to make you feel much more comfortable.

Skylights should be secure. Skylights are nice to bring extra light into your house, but they are also easy ways for burglars to enter your home. Be certain that skylights in your home can be locked securely.

If you haven’t gotten a paper shredder, it may be time to purchase one. Thieves can get lots of information simply by looking through your trash. If you can’t afford to buy a paper shredder, tear your papers up into tiny bits before throwing them away.

Just moved in? Time for new locks! Although the person you purchased the house from might seem good, you really have no clue as to who they really are. You should also keep in mind that other people may have lived in the home before the previous homeowner.

A dog is an excellent burglary deterrent system. They are protective about their territory, plus they make noises that keep burglars at bay. You do not need a large, vicious guard dog. Small dogs also have the ability to scare away burglars who definitely don’t want lots of ruckus when they appear.

In the event you find your door open upon arriving home, you should never enter and investigate yourself. This is a delicate situation as the burglar might still be in your home. Request that the police come and have them go in and check it out, before you go in yourself.

Don’t use spring-latch locks. Just one credit card can get a burglar access to your home. This isn’t a difficult maneuver either. Add a deadbolt to doors with spring-latch locks.

Buy a paper shredder. Thieves may look through your garbage for information. You could also simply take care to tear up your discarded papers.

Keep your curtains pulled tight when you are away from home. If they remain up, criminals will have no problem seeing right into the house. Intruders will break in if they see an item they want. You ought to turn the curtains down if you are sleeping as well.

If you aren’t at the house, keep the windows and curtains closed. You don’t want potential thieves knowing you are gone. If you keep them up, intruders will be able to see right into your home. If their eyes fall on something they like, they are going to think about breaking in. Also lower them while you are sleeping.

Talk to your home-security company to see if they provide buy and lease options for your equipment. You can avoid interest rates by buying the security system right away. Leasing may seem cheaper but might require contractual agreements and fees. Pick the option that suits your particular situation best.

Don’t hide your keys in obvious places. Fake rocks are very easy to spot. The first place an intruder will likely look is under the doormat. Instead, you should keep your spare keys with a trusted neighbor. If you want to keep it at your house, find a spot that’s not obvious.

Do not store your car registration documents in your glove compartment. Anyone having access to this information can see where you live. You should make sure to keep them on you, or store them somewhere safe in your car. You must have this information on hand if you are stopped for a traffic violation.

Store those items you can’t bear to lose in a very secure area. Passports, financial records, jewelry, photos or legal documents should be locked away. Floor safes are great for keeping items secure in your home. It is even better to rent a safe deposit container for absolute security.

If your door is not solid wood or metal, replace it! These doors will hold. If a burglar were to try and kick his way inside, he would have a lot of difficulty doing so. It shouldn’t be too costly to replace your exterior doors, so go do it.

Does your security firm offer lights with motion sensors? This system will cause the lights to flicker on when someone walks up to your home. This provides added security when you enter the premises and can be a great burglar deterrent.

Don’t avoid your neighborhood gossip. Instead, get to know him or her. You never know who might be watching when someone is sneaking around your home. When you’re on good terms with them, you are more likely to receive word of any unusual activity.

Making your home into a safe retreat does not require a lot of costly security equipment that a stranger has to install. You can utilize easier and cheaper methods of keeping your home safe. Be sure and use these tips in order to adequately protect your home.

It is better to buy equipment from a security company directly, instead of from someone re-selling it. Why should you provide a middle man with a profit when you can purchase the item straight from the source? Dealing with the company means there will be no extra fees, and they will service your equipment whenever you need.

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About Author

Written by
Susan H Delaney

Susan H Delaney security industry workers, who have been exposed to hundreds of surveillance cameras and have professional evaluation experience, will definitely be able to help you.

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