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Advice All Homeowners Should Know About Home Security

Advice All Homeowners Should Know About Home Security

You should definitely be concerned about your home’s security. You can never know if you’re a burglary target and if they want to steal your items or hurt the people in your home. The tips in this article can help you fortify your home against invaders and threats.

Man’s best friend can also be trusted to secure a spare key. This works with a dog that stays outside or a dog with a pet door. Attach the spare key to your dog’s collar. By doing this, you have a handy spare key whenever you need it.

Make sure that you hide your spare key in a good spot. Doormats and door frames are predictable places that burglars will always check. Try to find somewhere less obvious.

Comparison shopping is essential when seeking a security system for the home. Different companies can provide equivalent levels of service and security, but their prices can vary wildly. Get three quotes or more before making a choice.

Get advice from your friends before selecting a provider for home security. Your friends have gone through both bad and good experiences and they will be able to share them with you. Making a great choice is important, so this advice will come in handy.

If you’re going on a trip for an extended period of time, switch the ringer off on all home phones. A constantly ringing phone can signal to a burglar that the house is vacant, making it an easy target for their criminal activities.

When planning to go away for a holiday, be sure to turn off the ringers on your home phones. A constantly ringing phone lets thieves know that you are not home and could increase the chances of you getting robbed.

It will not benefit you to be shy. Be friendly with people that live in the neighborhood. Ask them to look after your home, and in return, look out for theirs. Do not ignore gossip either. You will learn a lot from your neighbors, including details about recent break ins in the area and the shady individuals they noticed.

Do not open your door for people you do not know. People try many ways to convince others to open up their doors so that they can commit burglary or worse. Therefore, only allow people you know and are expecting to enter your home.

Any program to improve the security of your home should begin with complete replacement of your door locks. Anyone from an old roommate to a former tenant could have access to your home if you leave the old locks in place. It is pretty cheap and the job won’t take more than a few hours.

Eliminate dead vegetation and wood in the yard in the summer. They are a potential fire hazard during warmer months. To make sure your home is safer, clear your yard periodically.

Avoid placing spare keys under door mats or in plant boxes. You might think that you are providing yourself a safe way into the house if you misplace your keys, but you are really inviting attackers inside. Thieves know about all these hiding spots. Ask a reliable neighbor or a friend to keep your spare key.

The fist thing you’ll need to do for home security is to get new locks. Maybe you had a roommate move out or have a disgruntled ex-lover, changing the locks is the best way to keep yourself safe. It doesn’t cost much and they can usually show up within a day.

A good home security system monitors all entry points to your home. Thieves can easily enter your home through a window. Each point of entry for your home should be monitored by the system. With this method, your family will be safer.

Whenever you are selecting a home security company, make sure you go with your gut feelings. Don’t hire anyone who makes you uncomfortable. There is nothing wrong with asking for a different technician if you’re uneasy. Remember, the new security apparatus is meant to make you feel safe and secure.

If you are entering a house that has already been occupied, you should first change your locks. The previous owners or tenants might have made some copies of the key. If you own, you can have the locks replaced and only you will have had the key.

It is important to always have fresh batteries and flashlights handy around the house. Flashlights are very important, as they will give you the ability to move around in the event of an emergency. Also show your children how to use them so they can help out in emergencies.

When allowing a representative from any security company to enter your home, look for someone in uniform and ask to see an identification. It is easy for potential thieves to present themselves as representatives of a company in order to gain access to your home. This can be risky for you and your belongings. Be careful if you want to avoid danger.

If you are entering a house that has already been occupied, you should first change your locks. The person who used to live there may still have a key. You can do your own installation to make sure that no one else has a key.

When you hire a type of home security company, read the contract’s fine print before signing. There could be hidden costs if you were to quit your service prior to the expiration date of the contract, or you decide to add additional equipment later. You are going to want to avoid these kinds of hidden fees, so know about them up front.

Criminals are much less likely to target your home if it’s well lit. They don’t want visibility. If your house is well-lit, criminals will be hard pressed to be able to go undetected. Make sure the lights stay on to keep your home safe.

A good way to scare off intruders is to keep your house lit at nighttime. They don’t want visibility. When you have a well-lit home, crooks won’t be able to hide and it will be hard for them to break in undetected. That’s why it’s a good idea to light your home well for optimum safety.

Ask your home security company how long they have been in business before you sign up for service. Companies that have been around for years have shown that they know the industry and that their services are reliable and great enough for recommendations. You get better peace of mind if you deal with someone you know you can trust for the long haul.

Make sure your home’s exterior is well lit. Burglars seek darkness so that they can stay hidden. Install lighting anywhere a possible intruder might break in. This can include garages, doorways, porches, and even near any windows on the ground floor.

Security System

If you see that the door is open, do not enter the house. You have no way of knowing whether the thieves are still inside. Just contact the police and sit tight until they arrive.

Be sure to get a home security service that will inspect your home and tailor a home security system just for you. Everyone has different needs, and your security system should be designed to protect your home and family. By locating the company that will create the best plan for you, you will be assured you are receiving the best possible home security.

Purchase a paper shredder to prevent your discarded papers from providing burglars with valuable information. A thief looking through your discarded papers can find a lot of information you do not want them to have. They may even learn your schedule, so they can burgle your home while you are away. You could also simply take care to tear up your discarded papers.

If you don’t own a paper shredder, get one. Thieves can use this information to figure out your schedule and determine the best time to break in. Cutting the papers into small pieces with a pair of scissors is another option.

Whenever you purchase some expensive item, don’t place the empty boxes right outside your home. Burglars will instantly take notices of these boxes and what used to be in them, making you an easy burglary target. When you have emptied the boxes, make sure you cut them up.

Install a home surveillance system. Installing video cameras, both visible and hidden, are a great way to secure your home. Visible cameras can scare intruders, and hidden ones can catch them in the act. Find a security system that gives you the option to view the video feed from your phone so you can check on your home at anytime.

Do not make a number-code password your birthday or other obvious number. Your birthdate can be found on Facebook or pieces of mail and you have given entry into your home. Instead, make it a number which you can figure out through a math equation so you remember the equation instead of the number.

A great security system for your home is a dog. They are protective of their home and owner and will alert you if someone is on your property. There is no need for a mean, big dog either. Small dogs even scare off intruders as they don’t like anything to make noise when breaking into a home.

Make sure you have the curtains drawn if your windows are faced toward the street. You wouldn’t want strangers leering into your home. If burglars spot the expensive items in your house, they may want to hit you next. Walk around your house to find out what can be seen and then block it.

If you want to minimize the maintenance required by your security system, go with one that’s hard-wired. Although wireless security equipment is easy to install, it relies on battery power, necessitating constant battery swaps. Neglecting this maintenance can cause faults in your security system and leave you improperly protected. It can also be pretty expensive to replace batteries.

Women have more chances of being the target of a home invasion if they live alone. Try placing big, muddy boots on your front step to create the illusion of a big, active man living there. This will drive away thieves.

All doors leading into your home should be made from solid wood or metal. This sort of door will deter intruders. If a burglar were to try and kick his way inside, he would have a lot of difficulty doing so. It shouldn’t be too costly to replace your exterior doors, so go do it.

Big, scary dogs are great security. Burglars would not want to deal with potentially being bitten or attacked. Consider getting a large dog that is able to protect, but that also is gentle with children and friendly to your whole family.

Find out if your alarm company offers lighting with motion sensors. This is a common offering from most companies. These lights, affixed to your home’s exterior, illuminate whenever anyone comes within range. This can add extra security as you go into your house, and it can keep intruders away.

When buying a security system, aim to buy one from the company instead of through a re-seller. Re-sellers are really looking to make a buck, and they will not always stand behind the products they sell. If you get your product from the company, you will avoid a ton of fees.

Deadbolts are your best locks since they have what is called captive keylocks. The devices are equipped with thumb latches that prevent people from reaching around to open the lock via a an adjacent broken window. When at home you should keep the key securely in the lock. In this way you will be able to exit quickly in case of emergency.

Cover window air conditioner with bars or screw them in securely. If not, a thief can remove the air conditioner and gain easy entry to your home. In the wintertime, remove them from your window for extra security.

Rather than hoping nothing bad ever happens to your family or you, have a more realistic view of the world. Some things are inevitable, making it that much more important to be fully prepared. Follow the tips presented here to provide your family with a home that is safe and secure.

Often criminals use the tactic of knocking on a door and seeking assistance. When the unsuspecting homeowner opens the door, the criminal bursts in and wreaks havoc. Therefore, if a person approaches your door and says that they need assistance, tell them that you will call someone for them, but you won’t be letting them inside. Call the police if you are unsure of how to handle the situation.

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About Author

Written by
Susan H Delaney

Susan H Delaney security industry workers, who have been exposed to hundreds of surveillance cameras and have professional evaluation experience, will definitely be able to help you.

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